Vol. 14 (2009): The school teacher


Published October 19, 2015


Educator, Competences, Teaching-learning, Teacher.
How to Cite
del Valle López, Ángela. (2015). EDUCATOR TRAINING: FOCUS COMPETENTIAL. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 14, 433–442. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1928


At present, society is changing and uncertain. The educational institution is subject to this mutation and demands a type of educator with capacity to promote life learning skills to students, able to help them to develop their personal potential, to learn a trade and be ready to learn by themselves. This new approach to education makes the training of educators in professional competences the key role to respond to the social demands of our times. From this new point of view the professional competences are classified in three basic aspects or inter-related tasks: competences focus on the responsibility to elaborate, execute and evaluate proposals in curriculum that are valid for the students; competences related to the context where the teaching takes place and which are conducive to an understanding of this profession as one that is collective and shared and therefore it is conditioned and empowered by the total environment in which is immersed; competences related to the practice of the profession’s practice that have to keep in mind the continuous training and the reflection on their own practice as an useful wisdom.


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