Vol. 14 (2009): The school teacher


Published October 19, 2015


Personal development, Pedagogic renovation, Educator, Teacher, Educational acts’ principles.
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Ruiz, I. (2015). THE MASTER OF THE "SOMOSAGUAS EXPERIENCE". Tendencias Pedagógicas, 14, 181–190. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1912


The article discusses the way of understanding the educator and teacher’s figures and roles at the “Somosaguas Experience” and how it represents a meaningful change referred to the valid educational practice until that moment. However, it’s not assumed as an isolated change, but located in the group of innovations that the “Somosaguas Experience” introduces. That Movement of pedagogic renovation starts at the sixties of the 20th century and continues, as an organized Movement, until 1972. It gets the name of the school centre where begins: the Veritas High School (Somosaguas) in Madrid, and is considered precursor, in many ways, of the main educational reform fixed at the Spanish Education and Financing General Law about the Educational Reform of 1970 and even later educational laws and quite a generalized practice.


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(1) Mi guía principal para describir las actitudes y prácticas del Profesor en el contexto de esta Experiencia educativa va a ser mi propia obra: Gutiérrez Ruiz, I. (1971). Experiencia Somosaguas. Madrid: Iter Ediciones (Hoy Narcea S.A. Ediciones) 3ª edición.

(2) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (1969). La educación en España. Bases para una política educativa. Madrid: M.E.C.

(3) Maceiras Fabián, M. (1997). Categorías antropológicas fundamentales. En Congreso de

Pedagogía Pedro Poveda Educador. Atreverse a educar. Madrid: Narcea S.A. de Ediciones. Pág.61.

(4) Cfr. Lersch, Ph. (1974). La estructura de la personalidad. Barcelona: Editorial Scientia.

(5) Delors, J. (1996). La educación encierra un tesoro. Madrid.: Santillana. Ediciones UNESCO.

(6) Torralba, F. 1997. Pedagogía del Sentido. Madrid. PPC.

(7) Congreso de Pedagogía Pedro Poveda Educador. Op. Cit.