Vol. 12 (2007): Pedagogical diagnostics and educational guidance

The Diagnosis of Basic Learning and its Deficiencies. A Criterial Model

Published October 16, 2015


Models of pedagogical diagnosis, Basic learning diagnosis, Criteria diagnosis.
How to Cite
Salvador Pérez, M. I. (2015). The Diagnosis of Basic Learning and its Deficiencies. A Criterial Model. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 12, 151–170. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1882


This article discusses the issue of diagnostic models applied to the pedagogical field. We investigate the capabilities and limitations of quantitative or psychometric. qualitative and criteria methods from a critical perspective, and we favour complementarily or the choice of a method as a function of the nature of the problem. We conclude that criteria methods are the best suited for the problem of the diagnosis of instrumental learning in primary school and its problems, as a foundation for the adaptation of the planning of general or corrective, remedial or refresher education or curricular adaptations to the individual or group requirements; basic conditions of personalized education. We support our conclusion by describing the criteria diagnostic model we have developed and tested over a long period of time, and we include data on its characteristics, results and statistical controls that demonstrate its validity.


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