Vol. 10 (2005): Educational innovation and teacher education

Does the school matter? An estimate of school effects in Spain

Published October 16, 2015


School effect, School effectiveness, Multilevel Models.
How to Cite
Murillo Torrecilla, F. J. (2015). Does the school matter? An estimate of school effects in Spain. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 10, 29–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1853


In this article the subject of schooling effects is analyzed from three angles. First we find a discussion about the definition of schooling effects and its implications. With that in mind, the article goes over many international researches that have estimated the magnitude of schooling effects. AH of this serves as a foundation for the presentation of the results of a research which seeks to estimate de magnitude of schooling effects in a wide range ofmeasures of cognitive and non cognitive products for Spanish primary schools


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