Vol. 8 (2003): Educational values

Education in values ??and new technologies in teacher training.

Published October 15, 2015


Education in values, Educational technology, Teacher training, Teacher, k-12, Primary Education, Media, Information and cornmunication technologies.
How to Cite
Paredes Labra, J. (2015). Education in values ??and new technologies in teacher training. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 8, 121–132. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1834


Teacher Training in ICT is a relatively recent field. Now it works about situated beliefs and values of the teachers and the use of ICT. It offers give back media to the control of the educational ones in the task of planning and the challenge of the innovation and the change in schools. This discussion leans in the concept of the professional activist (Giddens), recent ethnographies on the culture, media and schools; research on the adults training in technology and experiences of initial teacher training. The values that are going to emerge in the process of initial teacher training which they use of conscious form the IeT are: creativity, personal effort, self-discipline, rnanagernent, freedom, commitment with dernocratic and professional values, reflection, research, dialogue, team work, recycling, pleasure to learn, activity, innovation, commitment with the change, solidarity, and fight against the inequalities, among others.


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