Vol. 6 (2001): University didactics

Importance of educating educators as agents of educational quality, as advocated by educational reforms.

Rosalía Aranda Redruello
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published October 15, 2015


teacher training, latin america, quality of education
How to Cite
Aranda Redruello, R. (2015). Importance of educating educators as agents of educational quality, as advocated by educational reforms. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 6, 101–138. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1810


The Uaiversiry School ofTeacher's'Traiainginthe Universiry .Autónoma of.Madrid (UAM). obliged to give a complete formation for future teachers, has carried out and directed a project of improvement in the infrastructure of Special Education in El Salvador, beginning with the training of the teaching staff who imparts this special field. This programme arises after the great demand and need that the Salvadoran teaching staff shows and it is being carried out in the Central University José Simeón Cañas (DCA) and the Salvadoran Institute for Rehabilitation for Disabled People (ISRI). The Spanish teachers who go there must be many-sided and specialized in each deficiency and thats why collaboration and financing are being asked in different Spanish entities which work on Special Education: Down's Syndrome Foundation (FSD:M), the ONCE Foundation for Latin America (FOAL) (for blind people), the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the Royal Patronage for Special Education. A hundred and eight teachers specialized themselves in the different branches of the graduate and the country has the possibility of creating more classrooms which support integration. The graduate takes two years. Here, 1 will show the results of these two years dealing with the objectives already got and the new demands. This will be shown as an example of what we try to get: quality in education beginning with a complete formation of the teaching staff.


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