Vol. 4 (1999)

Attention to diversity: ethnic minorities.

Published October 15, 2015


Educación Especial, Integración, Minorías étnicas.
How to Cite
de Miguel Badesa, S. (2015). Attention to diversity: ethnic minorities. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 4, 59–79. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1794


The purpose of this paper is to offer sorne reflections and purposes on the evolution and present situation of the attention to the diversity and motivate education profesionals to contrast the following aspects: - Importance of the evolution of Special Education and the changes produced in this field. - Need of development and practice of the integration movement to better attend the diversity of the students.

Emerging problems concerning integration of ethnic minorities due to the incresing importance of this students in the class. Need of formation, preparation and sensibilization of teachers to attend the diversity of students.


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