Vol. 25 (2015): What teachers are we educating at university?


Begoña Piqué Simón
Universidad de Barcelona
Anna Forés Miravalles
Universidad de Barcelona
Published February 8, 2015


Teaching, university, commitment, responsibility, involvement .
How to Cite
Piqué Simón, B., & Forés Miravalles, A. (2015). AN INVITATION TO NARRATE TO EDUCATE HISTORY OF LIFE AND UNIVERSITY. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 25, 247–260. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/169


This paper is an invitation to all those living the university to articulate their narrative in order to improve their educational process. The text accounts for the tensions and illusions of two university life stories. It is a draft starting from the meeting point of what living the university entails. A building up of the pedagogical knowledge starting from the account of oneself life history, of its shared narration, of its systematization. To begin by oneself in order to be able to live again the university, starting from the realization at the professional level of what we are at the personal one; the acceptance of the limitations of action and our acting in accordance with them; the recognition of the existing borders and the adjustment of our wishes; the appreciation of the little things, the everyday. The journey thus far allows us to make a proposal in order to invite our fellows to walk along its path.


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