About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Tendencias Pedagógicas is a research journal edited by the Department of Didactics and Educational Theory at the Faculty of Teacher Traning and Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid. The journal addresses a variety of pedagogical topics all related with the academic fields of Didactics and School Organization, Theory and History of Education, and Assessment and Research Methods in Education. Starting in 1994 Tendencias Pedagógicas originally was a paper-back research journal issuing one volume per year. Since 2010, Tendencias Pedagógicas is issued twice a year, and is exclusively available online. Past editors of Tendencias Pedagógicas have been: Juan García Yagüe (volumes 0-3), Jesús Asensi Díaz (volumes 4-9), Agustín de la Herrán Gascón (volumes 10-14), and Rosa María Esteban Moreno (volumes 15-31). Currently the editor of the journal is Bianca Thoilliez.

Tendencias Pedagógicas is an open-access, peer-reviewed, academic publication, open and independent. The journal primary objective is to publish research articles, studies, critical essays, and experiencies on education and pedagogy.

Tendencias Pedagógicas is intended, mainly, for researchers, students and university teaching staff in Educational Sciences, as well as education professionals interested in taking part in pedagogical discussions and exchange ideas about education practices and pedagogical knowledge.

Tendencias Pedagógicas publishes (2) volumes every year. Each volume is generally divided into six sections: Presentation, Monograph, Miscellany, Educational Experiences, Recovering the Past, and Book Reviews.

All articles received by Tendencias Pedagógicas for the "Monograph", the "Miscellany", and the "Educational Experiences" sections are subject to double-blind external review. Tendencias Pedagógicas accepts original submissions in a number of languages: Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese (for further information, see Author guidelines).

Tendencias Pedagógicas is systematically included within the following databases: CARHUS Plus+, CRDI-OEI, CSIC-CCHS, DIALNET, DICE, DULCINEA, Electronic Journals Library EZB, Google Scholar, IRESIE, ISOC-CCHS, LATINDEX, MIAR, REBIUN, REDIB, REDINED, RESH, ULRICHS, WolrdCat.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Team of Tendencias Pedagógicas will review the proposals received and submit them to an external evaluation (without any information that may identify authors).

The review and evaluation system for every submission will be carried out by means of blind peering or double-blind. Outside the Editorial board, two experts in the field of study to be evaluated will check each original and generate a detailed report based on criteria of scientific quality. In case of discrepancy, a third expert will settle the disagreement.

Reviewers could be proposed by the Editorial team according to their expertise within Tendencias Pedagógicas scientific interests. External applications to serve as reviewer in the journal will also be considered.

The reviews independence from the authors is assured by ensuring that all manuscripts are anonymize (do not include author names, or information about datasets, affiliation or previous works that may betray the author identity), and by assigning the evaluation of the originals to reviewers not affiliated with the same institution.

Decisions about acceptance, rejection or change about the submissions, based on the above-mentioned reports from external reviewers, will be announced to their authors within 180 days. In case the acceptance of the proposal depends on the amendments suggested by the external reviewers, its author will be required to improve the original text. Once changes are introduced, the amended article will be submitted again to be evaluated by the Editorial board.

The accepted originals will be identified by means of a DOI code, inserted into a publication template made available by the Editorial board on due time, and published in the first issue containing enough pages. The Editorial Team pfTendencias Pedagógicas reserves its right to publish them.

The correction of proofs will be carried out by the authors themselves within the time set by the Editorial Team. In case authors do not reply before the deadline, editors will assume such task but always taking the originals as their reference.

Authors requiring a certificate of article acceptance will receive a provisional document signed by the journal's Editor via email, valid until their articles are definitely published.

Reviewer's register

All reviewers of Tendencias Pedagógicas must be registered as such in the journal's platform. This can be done in two simple steps:

  1. Go to: https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/user/register
  2. Complete the registration form, clicking on the "Reviewer" option when assigning your profile.

In the final section of this form, reviewers must not fortget to "Identify interests of revision", as well as their working languages.

Reviewing process

All reviews must be completed in the journal's plataform. The steps to follow are the following.

  1. Once reviewers receive the email with the reviewing request and after accepting the review, they must access the platform by entering their username and password at the following address: https://revistas.uam.es/r/login
  2. When reviewing an assigned submission, reviewers must complete the online evaluation form.
  3. In addition to the comments in the online form, reviewers must issue a recommendation among those offered by the platform to terminate their evaluation.

Review guidelines

  • All reviewers must subscirbe to COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
  • All scientific opinions expressed by reviewers in their reports: (i) must be well founded and clearly explained; (ii) should avoid expressions that are hurtful or blunt or that could be misinterpreted; (iii) are expected to guarantee coherence between their assessment of the manuscript and their recommendation regarding its publication; and, (iv) as far as possible, should highlight the positive aspects of the work and provide advice on how to remedy any shortcomings.
  • Reviewers will receive a certificate of their work when finished, indicating they have made the request to commit to the requirements and guidelines established and that the report has submitted in a timely manner.
  • The typical period of time allowed for reviews to be completed is 4 weeks. If reviewer has not responded to a review request within 6 days after review's due date, he or she will be contacted one time. In case of not receiving a response within the following week, the review will be assigned to another person.
  • Reviewers will not received any economic compensation in return for their reviewed articles.

Publication Frequency

Since January 2010 Tendencias Pedagógicas has a periodicity of two (2) volumes per year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides inmediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering a free access to researches helps to a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Cataloguing, Indexing and Editorial Quality

Cataloguing data

  • Title: Tendencias Pedagógicas
  • ISSN (print edition): 1133-2654
  • ISSN-e (online edition): 1989-8614
  • ISSN-L: 1133-2654
  • DOI prefix: 10.15366/tp
  • Legal deposit: M-19600-2009
  • Periodicity: Two volumes per year
  • Journal birth: 1994 (print edition) & 2010 (on-line edition)
  • Editor: Bianca Thoilliez
  • Publisher: UAM Ediciciones
  • Publication place: Madrid, Spain
  • UNESCO classification: Pedagogy - 531204
  • Field of study: Investigación científica


Editorial quality evidences

  • Dialnet Metrics 2018: Q2 (66/225)
  • CARHUS Plus+ 2018: D
  • CIRC classification: D
  • MIAR – ICDS: 4.4
  • LATINDEX criteria: 34 out of 38
  • Google Scholar Metrics: h5 Index: 12; h5 Mean: 18; h Index: 28; i10 Index: 122.

Publication and Edition Ethics

Authors in Tendencias Pedagógicas retain the copyright of his/her work without any restrictions.

When submitting their articles to Tendencias Pedagógicas, authors willingly accept the Publication ethics and malpractice policy established by the Editorial team, attached to the international agreements taken in the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the International Standards for editors and authors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Tendencias Pedagógicas subscribes also the recommendations of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

It is the responsibility and duty of the editorial board of Tendencias Pedagógicas to remind authors of the following rules:

  • It is essential that authors have permission to publish from the institution that funded the research.
  • The journal does not accept any material that has been published previously. Authors are responsible for obtaining the required permission to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and for properly citing their source (more information provided in Author Guidelines).
  • The list of authors should only include those people who have contributed intellectually to the work.

Tendencias Pedagógicas expects authors to declare any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the article submitted.

All judgments and opinions expressed in the articles published by Tendencias Pedagógicas belong to the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Editorial Team. Tendencias Pedagógicas denies any responsibility in relation to the published material.



Tendencias Pedagógicas in its efforts to maintain the novelty and originality, implements, thanks to institutional subscription of the Autonomous University of Madrid, the anti-plagiarism software Turnitin® to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material.

By submitting a manuscript to Tendencias Pedagógicas, authors are agreeing to any necessary originality checks that the manuscript may have to undergo during the peer-review and edition processes. Please note any author who fails to adhere to the above conditions will have their manuscript rejected.

This anti-plagiarism policy ensures that Tendencias Pedagógicas meets high standards of academic probity.

Guidelines for Proposing a Monograph

Tendencias Pedagógicas welcomes Monograph proposals on topics of interest for education practice and pedagogical discussion.

Submiting a Monograph proposal to Tendencias Pedagógicas

Monograph proposals for considered publication in the journal must be sumitted by e-mail to tendencias.pedagogicas@uam.es, and should include at least the following aspects:

  • Monograph title in Spanish and English (up to 150 characters, including spaces).
  • Short presentation of guest editor (full name and last name; research institution, e-mail y phone; research experience in the topic).
  • Content and relevance (between 1000 and 2000 words), presenting, both in Spanish and English, (a) Justification of the relevance and interest of the topic (in Spanish and English); y (b) Possible structure f the table of contents (4-6 contributions).  

Any member of the Editorial Team of Tendencias Pedagógicas can propose topcis of interest for the Monograph section of the journal.

Every Monograph proposal will be evaluated according to the criteria of its relevance and timeliness, prestige and expertise of the guest editor in the topic, institutional openness and internationalization of its potential contributors.  

Editing a Monograph in Tendencias Pedagógicas

Every Monograph in Tendencias Pedagógicas will be gest edited by an expert on the topic, who will assume the following tasks:

  1. Ensure, within due date, that an enough number of proposals are submited to the journal for considered publication in the "Monographic" section, and that they meet the Author Guidelines.
  2. Propose a list of potential external reviewers specialized in the Monograph topic to collaborate in the evaluation process of the orginals.
  3. Select, together with the Editorial Team, the articles that will make up the "Monographic" section, in view of the reviews recieved according to the journal's Peer Review Process.
  4. Write a presentation for the Monograph section.

Journal History

Tendencias Pedagógicas is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international academic publication, open and independent, edited by the Department of Pedagogya (previosly named Didactics and Educational Theory) at the Faculty of Teacher Traning and Education from Autonomous University of Madrid.

Starting in 1994 Tendencias Pedagógicas originally was a paper-back research journal issueing one volume per year. Since 2010, Tendencias Pedagógicas is issued twice a year, and is exclusively available online. In 2015 the journal is integrated within the Autonomous University of Madrid's electronic research journal catalogue, supported by Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. 

Past editors of Tendencias Pedagógicas have been: Juan García Yagüe (volumes 0-3), Jesús Asensi Díaz (volumes 4-9), Agustín de la Herrán Gascón (volumes 10-14), and Rosa María Esteban Moreno (volumes 15-31). Currently the editor of the journal is Bianca Thoilliez.