Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Education for Environmental Justice: Working from the Classrooms the Formation of an Active Citizenship
Special Issue

Primary School students’ Ecocitizenship Competence in the Face of Biodiversity Loss

Chadia Rammou
Laura Martín-Ferrer
Arnau Amat
Published June 10, 2024


Emotional expressions, Actions, Biodiversity, Ecocitizenship, Social justice
How to Cite
Rammou, C., Martín-Ferrer, L., & Amat, A. (2024). Primary School students’ Ecocitizenship Competence in the Face of Biodiversity Loss . Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 13(1), 89–117. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2024.13.1.005


The following research aims to delve into the ethical and political stances that constituite the dimensions of eco-citizenship defended by Sauvé among primary school students in the face of biodiversity loss, which is one of the challenges humanity will have to confront in the coming years. Data were collected through focus groups with primary school students who participated in an educational project on schoolyard fauna. The results have allowed us to understand the ethical stance towards the issue, characterizing the emotional expressions manifested by the students, and, on the other hand, to understand their political stance through proposals for actions to improve biodiversity at the global and local levels. Students perceive human beings as the main cause, and, at the same time, as affected by this loss, experiencing sadness and anger at the loss of biodiversity. Parallel to this, throughout the educational project, we see a change in the type of actions proposed to improve biodiversity, suggesting more collective contributions


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