Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): Curriculum for Social Justice

Topics and Justices in Post-dictatorship Chilean Early Childhood Education: Presidential Speeches 1990-2023

Blanca Barco
Cynthia Adlerstein
Published December 5, 2023


Early childhood education, Social justice, Presidential speech, Chile, Post-dictatorship
How to Cite
Barco, B., & Adlerstein, C. (2023). Topics and Justices in Post-dictatorship Chilean Early Childhood Education: Presidential Speeches 1990-2023. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 12(2), 137–153. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2023.12.2.008


Since the return to democracy in Chile, the different governments have promoted an educational policy for social justice. However, there are few post-dictatorship analyzes that investigate justice from early childhood or nursery school education. From a qualitative methodology, Reconceptualist approach and Fraser's theory of social justice, we analyze the themes and types of justice in Early Childhood Education that have been mobilized with the post-dictatorship presidential speeches (period 1990 to 2023). The results show a complex assembly of issues and justices. In these 34 years, Early Childhood Education has been mobilized from three themes: provision, relevance and quality. At the same time, in these themes redistributive justice is predominantly found coexisting with the justice of recognition, while representational justice fragilely emerges. This research invites us to rethink the themes of Early Childhood Education that must be mobilized from presidential speeches, to strengthen social justice that harmonizes the spheres of redistributive, recognition and participatory representation. This is a investigation that makes visible the construction of social justice from early childhood, differentiating and providing the logic of this first educational level


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