Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Perspectives and Advances in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion

The Importance of Teacher Digitization for Inclusive, Critical and Equitable Education

Helena López Bueno
Sonia Val
Martha Leticia Gaeta González
Published June 27, 2023


Digital skills, Teacher training, Technological exclusion, Educational digitalization, Social justice
How to Cite
López Bueno, H., Val, S., & Gaeta González, M. L. (2023). The Importance of Teacher Digitization for Inclusive, Critical and Equitable Education. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 12(1), 211–227. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2023.12.1.012


Today, teachers' digital competencies play a fundamental role in guiding students in the acquisition of skills and abilities, not only in the field of modern technologies, but also as a means of compensating for inequalities and moving towards a more equitable education. Teacher training and specific and continuous professional development are essential to improve the teaching and learning of the new generations, preparing them for the new social and work scenarios. There is a growing need and interest in providing teachers with these competencies, creating frameworks and diagnostic tools that help teachers to self-assess themselves to receive training and guidance programs according to their needs.

The aim of this research work is to know, through a specific questionnaire based on the SELFIE tool, the digital competencies of future teachers, and how they put them at the service of a more inclusive education in their classrooms.

The results show that the digital competencies of future teachers are not specifically addressed, nor is there any reflection on the needs and social uses made of the digitization of education. Master's students are aware of the importance of having the necessary knowledge to use these technologies in a conscious, critical, and democratic way in their future teaching, but they do not find the adequate training required by the new educational paradigm.


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