Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Funds of Knowledge for Social Justice. School-Family Partnerships for Education Transformation
Special Issue

Rethinking Roma Children Cultural Practices through the Exploration of their Funds of Knowledge and Identity

Miguel A. Santos Rego
Mar Lorenzo Moledo
Gabriela Míguez Salina
Portada del Volumn 10, número 1 de la Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social
Published May 28, 2021


Funds of knowledge, Funds of identity, Roma students, Family-school relationships, Inclusive education
How to Cite
Santos Rego, M. A., Lorenzo Moledo, M., & Míguez Salina, G. (2021). Rethinking Roma Children Cultural Practices through the Exploration of their Funds of Knowledge and Identity. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 10(1), 69–82. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2021.10.1.005


There is a large number of studies that over the last few years have corroborated the appropriateness of the Funds of Knowledge (FoK) approach when working with families at risk of exclusion. From this perspective, one of the keys to improving the inclusion of students in such strata is the establishment of strategies that favor the links between the students’ lives and the school. The purpose of this article is to present some of the results obtained from working with a group of Roma children within the framework of a socio-educational intervention program carried out in the city of Pontevedra (Galicia). In order to go deep into their life experiences, and thereby discover their own Funds of Knowledge and Identity, we have been inspired by the use of techniques such as extended autobiographical (Esteban-Guitart, 2012), which allowed us to reiterate the importance of their own agency and the establishment of family ties in the educational development of Roma children, as well as the discovery of certain cultural elements that could serve as tools for the design, by teachers, of didactic units and/or culturally congruent curricular content.


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