Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Inclusive Education for Social Justice (II)

Bibliometric Study of Scientific Publications on the Perception of Families of Students with Specific Educational Support Needs

Diego Navarro
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Laura Sánchez
Universidad Internacional de Valencia, España
Teresa Gómez
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Published May 14, 2020


Bibliometric study, Families, Perception, Specific educational support needs, Education.
How to Cite
Navarro, D., Sánchez, L., & Gómez, T. (2020). Bibliometric Study of Scientific Publications on the Perception of Families of Students with Specific Educational Support Needs. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 9(1), 231–247. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2020.9.1.011


A bibliometric analysis with content maps on scientific publications about the perception of the families of students with specific needs of educational support about the educational system is presented. The analysis is framed in the description of the evolution of the participation of families in the school, both at the legislative and practical levels. The results focused on the last 5 years (2015 to 2019), and extracted from journal indexed in the Web of Science-WOS, show that the most prolific author is Burke from the University of Illinois, with 3 articles. There is an increasing evolution in the number of articles published. The two journals with the largest number of publications on the subject are Child Care Health and Development, and Journal of Autism and Developmental, with 8 articles. As for the countries of origin, the USA with 77 articles, stands out well above the rest of the countries. Finally, we highlight that the term autism appears in 22 articles, which implies that many of the investigations that study this phenomenon focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder.


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