Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Inclusive Education for Social Justice (II)

Analysis of Accompaniment Situations for the Improvement of Inclusive Teaching

Claudia Méndez
University Catholic of Maule
Rosa Colomina
University of Barcelona
Published May 13, 2020


Accompaniment, Training assistance, Construction of meanings, Teacher training in service, Inclusive teaching practice.
How to Cite
Méndez, C., & Colomina, R. (2020). Analysis of Accompaniment Situations for the Improvement of Inclusive Teaching. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 9(1), 145–163. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2020.9.1.007


Improving teacher training processes is one of the essential challenges for the improvement of inclusive practice. Despite numerous efforts, the results show the need to seek new training strategies such as accompaniment in the classroom. This study analyzes the assistance offered in a training program based on the accompaniment of in-service teachers through situations of modeling practice inclusive in the classroom. Those who act as trainers are fellow teachers from the same school who are more trained in inclusive practice. A qualitative methodology is used through the study of three cases of collaboration between support teachers and teachers throughout an academic year. The joint management between participants on participation, task, and meanings was analyzed in planning sessions, development, and assessment of the practice in the classroom held during an academic year. The results presented empirical evidence of sustained assistance in the construction of collaboration and shared meanings during complete accompaniment processes in the classroom. The results show differences in attendance, in all the three cases, as well as changes in the teacher's behavior.


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