Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): Feminist Education for Social Justice
Special Issue

For an Inclusive School. The Gender Frontiers

Paloma Curieses
Published October 10, 2017


Cultural diversity, School, Boundaries, Law, Social justice.
How to Cite
Curieses, P. (2017). For an Inclusive School. The Gender Frontiers. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2017.6.2.004


One of the goals of those who advocate social equality in the education system is inclusive schooling. Recognized the right to education of all people, there are still many voices who claim the need to think, study, propose and commit to new ways of understanding and focus the education of the diversity of students. Thus, the idea of an inclusive school arises. These current aims to go beyond the idea of integration, prevailing in Spanish legislation, involving a restructuring of schools to meet the needs of all students. It is important to note that the need for identity, and by extension of representation –policy–, is understood as a basic necessity and should therefore have its consideration in the educational field, in order to avoid any form of segregation within the classroom. I defend the need to attend equally to the different ways of being, to define and identify ourselves, as an essential part of these diversities. Through the analysis of the paradox of feminine identity, gender boundaries and their consequences on the agency within feminism, I propose an extension of the concept of inclusive education with the objective of taking a step further in speaking about a truly equitable, critical and democratic education.


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