Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): Feminist Education for Social Justice
Special Issue

Coeducating Sexuality and Love Relationships to Promote Sex and Gender Equality and Social Justice

Mar Venegas
Published October 10, 2017


Sex education, Equal opportunity, Coeducation, Women liberation movement, Social justice.
How to Cite
Venegas, M. (2017). Coeducating Sexuality and Love Relationships to Promote Sex and Gender Equality and Social Justice. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2017.6.2.001


Education, notably the formal one that happens in the school, is one of the main engines of change of the society. Hence, those who commit our work with the promotion of social change towards sexual and gender equality, let us locate this claim on education (especially the scholar one). In line with this, this article begins by analysing the historical journey from the segregating single-sex school, through the mixed school, to coeducation as a school model. It then discusses how lomce favours school single-sex segregation. The social, affective and sexual, and emotional aspects of the debate between the three models of education mentioned above are evidenced in order to place in them the need to bet on sex and relationships coeducation as an alternative to school segregation by sex. To do this, we analyse secondary data from the three only studies of the Centre for Sociological Research available in Spain in relation to this subject. The article concludes with some outstanding conclusions from the analysis of these data to illustrate the need to bet on a feminist education, through sex and relationships coeducation, to promote social justice, inherent of a democratic society, through the promotion of sexual and gender equality from the field of education.


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