Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): Learning-Service and Social Justice

Teaching strategies in the inclusion of children in situation of vulnerability

Published March 18, 2015


Perception, Vulnerability psycho-social, Inclusion, Education, Child abuse.
How to Cite
Folcó, M. (2015). Teaching strategies in the inclusion of children in situation of vulnerability. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2013.2.2.012


The inclusion of children in the classroom requires input and commitment not only of the child, but of all those who form part of the context, from the family group, the institution, the community and mainly teachers, responsible for responding to the demands in the classroom. The objective of this work is to glimpse if there is incidence of attitudes and teacher perceptions against a child vulnerable psychosocial for child abuse in the classroom of a common school, in the implementation of educational strategies that enable and facilitate educational inclusion. A sample was taken not simple accidental probabilistic 90 teachers in levels, initial, primary and secondary schools in areas deprived of the South of the Gran Buenos Aires. 73,33% Is female and 26.67% male, with an average age of 31,60 (DT = 7, 953; Median = 29 years; Max = 59 years; Min = 22 years). With respect to the level of formal education, 90% has title of Professor and the rest have Bachelor’s degree. The questionnaire of teacher perceptions about the Inclusion (Cardona, Gómez-Canet y González Sánchez, 2000) and the scale of adaptations of teaching (Cardona, 2000) were administered. We found no significant relationship between perception and attitude teacher and inclusive practices children’s psychosocial vulnerable. We found significant differences according to levels of education in the perceptions and attitudes about inclusion and in adaptation strategies.


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