Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): Teaching Experimental Sciences and Mathematics for Social Justice

Design, development, and evaluation of the global socio-educational-community program “Their education, our priority” in one elementary school in California

Published March 18, 2015


Parent participation, Adult education, Hispanic community, Social justice, Multiculturalism.
How to Cite
García Martín, M. J. (2015). Design, development, and evaluation of the global socio-educational-community program “Their education, our priority” in one elementary school in California. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2014.3.1.010


The purpose of this research is to analyze the results and positive impact of a global socio-educational and community program, which is crucial in the learning process of English Learners, to eliminate barriers, compensate difficulties, and promote profound changes within the schools. A qualitative and quantitative methodology has been combined to collect and analyze data, using a variety of instruments as: The California Standard Test, questionnaires, informal observations, minutes, and attendance forms. The model proposed by this empirical research was developed with 613 Latino immigrant parents in one Elementary school. The case study provides relevant data to conclude that there is a significant correlation between the educational and community program, with important benefits like: a) the acquisition of good habits, b) higher levels of student achievement and parent involvement at school and in the learning process of their children, and c) the quality of communication, knowledge, and respect between parents and teachers. In addition, the research suggests a new way of understanding our own role as educators in favor of more realistic and sensitive educational policies, in order to better prepare citizens to live in multicultural societies.

