Initial Vocational Training Programs: Perceptions and Future Prospects of Students in the Province of Granada (Spain)
Secondary education, Educational exclusion, School failure, Attention to diversity, Initial vocational qualification programs.Copyright (c) 2015 Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social (RIEJS)
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The PCPI (now Basic Professional Training) is within this group of measures offered by the Spanish education system and strategies for prevention of school failure and attention to diversity. In this article has been analyzed some results of research on the perception of the students of PCPI about: Their experience of schooling from the program, modular organization of PCPI, causes of school failure, and future prospects. It is offered a vision of the characteristics of students in which risk factors for school failure and abandonment. The research was developed in 50 educational centers of the province of Granada starting with a mixed method research. The questionnaires were undertaken during the academic year 2011/2012. The entire population was invited, with a total sample of 213 teachers (62.13%) and 803 students (46.44%). Subsequently, 12 teachers with experienced in this type of measures were interviewed The students greatly appreciate the PCPI because they feel more valued, qualified and interested in the contents given, and especially because they value their training to face the job market. The biggest achievement is the change of attitude towards study, and get that a high percentage obtain the graduated in ESO.