Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Education in Indigenous Context for Social Justice
Special Issue

The Experience of University Students in a Situation of Disability in Indigenous People in the Face of Evaluation

Pamela Tejeda Cerda
Universidad Austral de Chile
Published June 1, 2022


Educational evaluation, Social justice, Disability, University, Inclusive education
How to Cite
Tejeda Cerda, P. (2022). The Experience of University Students in a Situation of Disability in Indigenous People in the Face of Evaluation . Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2022.11.1.005


The process of digitization in higher education brings with it the need for digitally competent teaching staff, which has become even more evident in the face of Covid-19. Universities have implemented various strategies to help faculty develop digital teaching competence and although institutional frameworks and initiatives exist, there is not enough scientific literature describing them. This research aims to analyze the characteristics and results of training strategies to develop the DTC in the university environment. A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the main databases, following the PRISMA methodology. Starting with 322 documents, and after the filtering phases, a total of 20 documents were analyzed in depth. The results indicate that most of these strategies have an impact on areas such as professional competence and the use of technologies in the training process. Likewise, most of the strategies are based on isolated actions, such as courses or seminars, although collaborative, experiential and reflection-based methodologies emerge; aspects that are highly valued by the teaching staff. In conclusion, it should be noted that, beyond isolated actions, it is essential to have appropriate institutional strategies to enhance the value of the digital teaching competence and promote a true digital transformation.


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