Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Education in Indigenous Context for Social Justice

Teacher Training for Social Justice through Biographical Enquiry

Noelia Ceballos López
Universidad de Cantabria
Ángela Saiz Linares
Universidad de Cantabria
Published June 1, 2022


Formación, Profesores, Justicia social, Biografía, Discriminación
How to Cite
Ceballos López, N., & Saiz Linares, Ángela. (2022). Teacher Training for Social Justice through Biographical Enquiry. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2022.11.1.014


We find ourselves in a social and educational scenario characterized by inequalities that require a commitment to equity and social justice. We present a training proposal for social justice that is based on the development of a collaborative inquiry process on situations of discrimination present in the school biography of future teachers. The study is qualitative and involves two university professors and 65 students of the Early Childhood Education degree, within the framework of a compulsory subject of the curriculum. For the inquiry process, different strategies have been deployed, such as: the elaboration of vignettes, Ketso, participant observations and documentary analysis of the materials produced by the students. The results show that the initiative has trained future teachers to: identify situations of discrimination present in their biography from a reflective and critical position, reflecting on their origin (disability, gender and cultural and/or economic origin) and their intensity (laughter, jokes, insults or aggression). Secondly, it has made it possible to investigate the supports that make it possible to eradicate any form of exclusion. In conclusion, an analysis of the curriculum and the organization is produced, directed towards the fight against exclusion as an action of justice for all.


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