Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)

Differences in Childhood Education Degree Students´ Beliefs about Child Autonomy in the First Cycle (0-3 years) according to Gender and Studies of Origin

Elena Herrán
Nuria Galende
Gorka Etxebarria
Published May 21, 2020


Belief, Autonomy, Academic degree, Pre-school education, Sex difference, Teaching and training
How to Cite
Herrán, E., Galende, N., & Etxebarria, G. (2020). Differences in Childhood Education Degree Students´ Beliefs about Child Autonomy in the First Cycle (0-3 years) according to Gender and Studies of Origin. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 13(2), 49–65. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2020.13.2.003


This study aims to go in depth in the beliefs and attitudes of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood Education in relation to the development of the autonomy of babies and toddlers (0-3 years). Early autonomy is understood as a preprogrammed capacity that encourages human breeding to interact with the surrounding world, physical and human, in a progressively more active and independent manner. Specifically, it tries to analyze the differences in these beliefs according to gender and studies of origin in 165 university students of the aforementioned Degree. The answers given to a questionnaire developed for this purpose were inconsistent, so the scores were centered. The results obtained show significant differences by gender coherent with the feminized character of the profession and of the studies. Likewise, students that come from the Higher Degree in Pre-School Education tend to value differentially the practical aspects of the profession more than the theoretical ones. This confirms that the imaginaries of the collectives that form the sample are different according to the two variables chosen, and poses a great challenge to the training in the Degree.


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