Vol. 15 No. 1 (2022): Mecanismos, Instrumentos y Prácticas para Fomentar la Participación del Alumnado en su Propia Evaluación
Monographic section

Assess with Rubrics. A Successful Proposal within the PBL

Cristina Navarrete-Artime
Universidad de Oviedo
José Luis Belver Domínguez
Universidad de Oviedo
Published April 29, 2022


Activity learning, Self-Assessment, Formative evaluation, Project-based learning, Rubrics
How to Cite
Navarrete-Artime, C. ., & Belver Domínguez, J. L. (2022). Assess with Rubrics. A Successful Proposal within the PBL. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2022.15.1.006


The development of Project Based Learning (PBL) in the classroom offers the possibility of using various assessment tools, assessing not only knowledge but also skills and abilities and attitudes, thus promoting learning (Formative Assessment). Our research, which is part of a larger study, seeks to assess the usefulness of evaluation rubrics for the design and development of co-evaluation and self-evaluation processes among students in the process of applying the PBL. To this end, a mixed investigation is carried out with Secondary Education students who are in the 3rd year of ESO (n=88), and the use of rubrics is evaluated for several months. Among the instruments used in the development of the research, the field diaries stand out, which are born from the daily participant observation in the classroom and three questionnaires that are carried out at different times of the process. The results indicate that the use of rubrics within the PBL, for co-evaluation or self-evaluation, requires learning when students are not used to their use, however, once they gain confidence in the method, they are very useful and help develop a critical spirit favoring formative assessment.


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