No. 6 (2013)
Número especial: II Encuentro Internacional sobre Argumentación

La noción de argumento y el problema de Mill

Xavier de Donato Rodriguez
Dep. d eLógica y Filosofía Moral. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Published July 12, 2017
How to Cite
de Donato Rodriguez, X. (2017). La noción de argumento y el problema de Mill. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (6).


We present different notions of argument that are relevant for the discussion and defend that the notion of argument as a speech-act must be taken into account by every theory of argumentation that aims to be adequate. A new analysis of the notion of “argumentative implicature” (initially proposed by Jackson (1987)) is offered and used for the discussion of John Stuart Mill’s puzzle about whether the syllogism is a petitio principii. With the help of our analysis, we aim at illuminating the problem posed by the fallacies of begging the question in the context of a discussion recently presented by Pérez-Otero (2009; 2012).

Keywords: Argument, argumentative implicature, circularity, petitio principii, John Stuart Mill.


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