Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)

Patterns and Predictors of Teacher Collaboration: A Mixed Study in Chilean Schools

Lorena Ortega
Cristóbal Manaut
Diego Palacios
Mª Victoria Martínez
Published November 7, 2022


Teacher collaboration, Social network analysis, Mixed methods, Public education, Chile
How to Cite
Ortega, L., Manaut, C., Palacios, D., & Martínez, M. V. (2022). Patterns and Predictors of Teacher Collaboration: A Mixed Study in Chilean Schools . REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 21(1), 65–85. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2023.21.1.004


Teacher collaboration can promote school improvement by generating exchange of resources and capacities for improving classroom practices and, thus, impacting on student development. The present study investigates the patterns of advice-seeking ties in 10 Chilean public schools, and their predictors, using a mixed design that combines the analysis of social networks and interviews. It was found that patterns differ among schools and that the levels of collaboration observed are associated with the structural conditions perceived by educators (collegiality, leadership team support and time). In addition, educators seek support from few colleagues, and these links tend to be non-reciprocal, perceived as highly influential, and organized into hierarchical subgroups. Teachers without leadership positions are more active in seeking advice, but the same is not true for those with higher professional development needs. Those in leadership positions and with more years of experience in their school are more sought after by their colleagues. Educators of the same gender, similar age, and in the same positions, are more likely to hold ties among each other. Implications for policy include improving the value and structural conditions for collaboration, and promoting teacher retention, to maintain the social capital of schools.


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