Vol. 9 No. 4 (2011): Education for Social Justice

Towards a Teacher Education Program for Social Justice

Published May 29, 2016


Teacher education, Social justice, Educational Change, School Improvement
How to Cite
Krichesky, G. J., Martínez-Garrido, C., Martínez Peiret, A. M., García Barrera, A., Castro Zapata, A., & González Bustamante, A. (2016). Towards a Teacher Education Program for Social Justice. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2011.9.4.003


A Teacher Education Program for Social Justice requires the design of collaborative and reflective learning experiences that foster political commitment towards the improvement of life opportunities for students and society as a whole. The framework suggests a new approach in teaching and learning that enhance the development of all students. This article engages with issues of content and methodology for a program of this nature, while offering strategies for the professional development of teachers, so that they can become true change agents both in and outside schools.



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