Vol. 22 No. 4 (2024): Teaching Careers and Institutional Contexts that Promote Equity

Educative Innovation Initiatives and Social Justice in Catalunya

Karina Rivas Guzmán
University of Barcelona
Isaac Calduch
University of Barcelona
Enric Prats Gil
University of Barcelona
Published October 3, 2024


Social justice, Equity, Innovation, Teaching, school segregation
How to Cite
Rivas Guzmán, K., Calduch, I., & Prats Gil, E. (2024). Educative Innovation Initiatives and Social Justice in Catalunya. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(4), 53–66. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.4.003


This article examines the impact and implications of two educational innovation initiatives in Catalonia, the "Comprehensive schools" and the "360 Education” movement, in terms of social justice and educational equity. Through a case study approach involving documentary review and semi-structured interviews with key actors, the backgrounds, objectives, and outcomes of these two educational innovation initiatives are analyzed. The "Comprehensive schools", aimed at integrating primary and secondary education stages under a single educational project, and the "360 Education" movement, focused on connecting classroom teaching time with extracurricular activities, represent significant efforts towards promoting inclusive and equitable education. The study’s findings reveal the presence of three crucial analytical categories for evaluating educational innovation initiatives, considering social justice and educational equity as central criteria: community and territorial orientation, school segregation, and the role of teachers. It is highlighted that both initiatives, considered successful by the educational community, address these three categories, regardless of their public or private nature. However, the importance of incorporating new aspects for a more critical analysis in future research is emphasized


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