First World War, Naval Centre, Argentine Navy, officers, military publicationsCopyright (c) 2021 Agustín Daniel Desiderato
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The research on the repercussions of the First World War on the Argentine Republic has been dynamic in recent times, beyond the country’s neutrality and its distance from the main front lines. However, some issues remain largely neglected. One of these is how and in what way the conflict has impacted on the Armed Forces, especially on the functioning of military clubs and installations. For this purpose, the case of the Centro Naval (Naval Centre), an institution that brought together most of the officers of the Argentine Navy between 1914 and 1918, will be examined by analyzing two issues: first, its social activity, that is, the meetings, reunions and visits that took place in its facilities; second, the composition and the kind of content issued by its main publication, the Boletín del Centro Naval (Naval Centre’s Bulletin).
Argentina, Buenos Aires, Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Periódicos, revistas y boletines
Boletín del Centro Naval
Caras y Caretas
El Hogar
Fray Mocho
La Prensa
Mundo Argentino
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