
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author ensures the article submitted is completely original, not having been published previously under any printed or electronic format.
  • The paper is not being peer-reviewed by any other journal.
  • The author compromises not to submit the paper to any other journal until he or she receives a negative answer from the Revista Historia Autónoma.
  • The author has sent a file in Word format with personal information details and another one in PDF format, completely anonymous. In this case, it has been followed the instructions included in How to ensure an anonymous evaluation.
  • The text fits the format and the system of quotations that are included in the Publishing Best Practice for Authors on About the Journal.
  • The author has sent a list of bibliographical references included in his or her paper and checked whether they have DOI. See Manual de uso de Simple Text Query.
  • If the article has images, these have been sent in a compressed file with a minimum resolution of 300 ppp.
  • The links provided on the text are active.
  • The author declares his or her conformity with the Copyright Policy of the Revista Historia Autónoma.

Author Guidelines

In order to publish your paper at the Revista Historia Autónoma you should register on the register form that is displayed at the right.

Prior to submitting the paper, make sure it fits the Submission Guidelines of the journal. Also make sure that your text complies with the Format Guidelines. Otherwise, we will return it to you until it is consistent to the rules dictated.

At the time of the submission of your paper, you have to fill in the different fields requested. In the second step, when you are requested to upload the file, upload the requested documents in the corresponding tabs:

- The document in pdf format, which must be anonymous and must not include any reference that allows the text to be identified with its author.

- The document in word format.

- The curricular presentation.

- The list of bibliographical references (if any).

- The folder with the images (if any).

Once confirmed the submission, you can check the state of your paper in the on-line service of the website with your user name and password. In case you are asked for new files, these will be uploaded to the platform attached to a new "pre-review discussion", where the nature of these files will be explained. 

The Editorial Assistant compromises to send an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible and to communicate the decision whether to publish the paper within a maximum period of six months. During this period, the paper should not be sent to another publication. If modifications are requested after peer review, the new files should be uploaded to the platform attached to a new "review discussion", explaining the nature of the files.

Privacy Statement

The names and the e-mail addresses on this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes established and they will not be provided to third parties or for other purposes.