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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text has 1.15 spacing; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); illustrations, figures and tables are sent as a separate file, indicating the place in the text where they should be inserted.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Articles and reviews sent to Biblioteca de Babel must be original and unpublished works, and must not be pending acceptance or publication in any other journal.



1. Originals preparation and submission

Articles sent to Biblioteca de Babel must be original and unpublished works, and must not be pending acceptance or publication in any other journal. The topic of the articles must be inclued in the research fields of Biblioteca de Babel, that is, Spanish language and general linguistics, as well as their respective areas. Originals can be written in Spanish or English. Other Romance languages can be considered, with previous approval of the Editorial Board.

Articles must have a maximum of 15 pages (Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5), without appendixes, tables and graphics. A larger extension can be considered with previous approval of the Editorial Board.

Originals must adjust to the rules indicated in the Ortografía de la lengua española (2010) by the Real Academia Española, that can be consulted in the following link (Spanish).

Originales must adjust to the following article template in .docx format (Word). In order to facilitate the editorial tasks, it is kindly asked the authors to use the template, copying on it the text of their original work and mantaining the template format in every aspect. The Editorial Broad can reject any original not adjusted to this template, and to any other rule indicated in the journal website.

As it can be observed in the article template, originals must include a title, abstract (maximum 250 words) and up to five keywords, in Spanish and in English.

Originals must be submitted only through the journal website. For that, it is necessary to register in the website through the following link and fulfill the requested metadata for the article. If you have already an account, click on these link instead. Please, include your ORCID ID.

Authors can submit too audiovisual content. For that, you must ask to the journal e-mail address (revistabibliotecadebabel@gmail.com) in case of hesitation. Recordings must be submited with the data protection document (download here), fulfilled and signed by the authors.

Originals will be submited to a blind peer review. For that, originals must be anonymized. Authors must be sured that there are any references to their identity in the text. The Editorial Board can eliminate any remaining reference to the author.


2. Bibliographic references

Textual cites: Biblioteca de Babel follows the author-date citation system: (Last name Year: Page). Example: (Bosque 1999: 356). If several works by an author published in the same year are cited, they will be distinguished with lower case letters, separated by commas (Bosque 1999a, 1999b). If works of different authors are cited, they will be separated with semicolon (Bosque 1999; Demonte 2000). 
Textual cites will be indicated with guillemets (« »). If a fragment must be quoted inside an already quoted fragment, quotations marks (" ") will be used.

Footnotes: Footnotes will not be used in any case to add bibliographic references.

Bibliography: The bibliographic references that are cited within the text will be summed in a final list in alphabetic order with hanging indentation. The cited titles will be written according to these guidelines:

  • Books

Last name/s, First name (Year), Title, Edition city, Publisher.

Example: Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (1992), Valores gramaticales de “se”, Madrid, Arco/Libros. 


  • Book chapter

Last name/s, First name (Year), «Chapter title», en Editor's first name and Last name (ed.), Book title, Edition city, Publisher: pages number.

Example: Mendikoetxea, Amaya (2009), «Modelos formales», en Elena de Miguel (ed.), Panorama de la lexicología, Barcelona, Ariel: 301-335.


  • Articles

Last name/s, First name (Year), «Article title», Journal title, Issue (number): pages number. DOI.

Example: Harley, Heidi (2014), «On the identity of roots», Theoretical Linguistics, 40 (3/4): 225-276. DOI: 10.1515/tl-2014-0010.

References must support DOI number if possible. In order to check what works have a DOI number, you can check the following link. Articles published in on-line journals do not must included the link of the journal website.


  • Website

Last name/s, First name, Resource name. Available in: Web link. [Consult date].

Example: Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.4 en línea]. Disponible en: https://dle.rae.es. [Fecha de consulta: 25 de enero de 2021].

In case of several authors, starting at the second one, the order First Name - Last name will be restored.


Eguren, Luis, y Olga Fernández Soriano (2004), Introducción a una sintaxis minimista, Madrid, Gredos.

Fernández-Montraveta, Ana, Glòria Vázquez y M. Antònia Martí (2002), «Alternancias diatéticas relacionadas con el aspecto», Verba, 29: 389-402.

If there are cited two or more references belonging to the same authors, the name of the author will be repeted in each item.


Escandell Vidal, María Victoria (2010), Introducción a la pragmática, Barcelona: Ariel.

Escandell Vidal, María Victoria (2017), La comunicación: lengua, cognición y sociedad, Madrid: Akal.


If hesitation, authors can check the APA styles or write to the journal email address.



Texts proposed in this sections must be reviews about academic publications dealed with the different areas of interest of Biblioteca de Babel (Spanish language and general linguistics) and publish within the last two years. The reviews will not be submited to a blind peer review, but they will be submited to a revision by  two members of the Editorial Board.

Reviews will follow the same instructions about format and manuscript presentation that articles follow, but according to the next review template. The reviews must not be longer than 3 pages.

The title of the review must be the reference of the reviewed book, with the following format:

Last Name/s, First Name (Year), Title, Edition place, Editorial, Number of pages pp. [ISBN: XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X].

Example: Georgescu, Simona (2021), La regularidad en el cambio semántico: las onomatopeyas en cuanto centros de expansión en las lenguas románicas, Estrasburgo, Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, 233 págs. [ISBN: 978-2-3272-6059-1].

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.