Vol. 38 (2021): Paulo Freire in his centenary: Commitment, ethics and hope
Monograph: Paulo Freire in his centenary: Commitment, ethics and hope

Rethinking the relationship with theory regarding Paulo Freire’s work

J. Eduardo Sierra Nieto
Universidad de Málaga
Portada TP38
Published July 28, 2021


Paulo Freire, theory, praxis, ethics, traditions, hope
How to Cite
Sierra Nieto, J. E., & Vila Merino, E. S. (2021). Rethinking the relationship with theory regarding Paulo Freire’s work. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 38, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2021.38.001


The celebration of the centenary of the birth of the distinguished teacher from Recife, Paulo Freire, invites us in this special issue which is dedicated to thinking about him and his work. In this paper, which aims to present the number (its meaning and its content), we discuss the importance of claiming theoretical knowledge of education, supporting on reconnecting with Freire's work as a classical author whose value lies in the power of his ideas, even today.


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