Vol. 37 (2021): Rural education in Ibero-America. Equity, inclusion, innovation

Critical thinking in ESO and Bachillerato: perspective of teachers and students in an IES in a northern Spanish province

Diego Agudo Saiz
Universidad de Cantabria
Irina Salcines Talledo
Universidad de Cantabria
Natalia González Fernández
Universidad de Cantabria
Cover TP37
Published December 22, 2020


thinking, education, students, teachers, educational research
How to Cite
Agudo Saiz, D., Salcines Talledo, I., & González Fernández, N. (2020). Critical thinking in ESO and Bachillerato: perspective of teachers and students in an IES in a northern Spanish province. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 37, 121–133. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2021.37.010


In recent years, the development of critical thinking of ESO and Bachillerato Spanish students has been paid a significant amount of attention. Nevertheless, the focus research topic has been trying to contrast the validity of didactic proposals designed with this purpose, leaving aside the analysis of the perspectives of the process protagonists: teachers and students. With a mixed methodology, this research presents a case study in which the point of view of the teachers and students of a high school located in the north of Spain, with regard to the promotion of critical thinking of the ESO and Bachillerato students’, is analyzed. 25 teachers and 43 students participated in the study, and ad hoc designed questionnaires were used as information gathering instruments. Both teachers and students pointed out that critical thinking was a key aspect to be developed in ESO and Bachillerato, and they perceived the utility of the activities designed to promote critical thinking amongst students. They also affirmed that fostering students’ critical thinking would result in better grades. Both collectives signaled that the promotion of the students critical thinking was lackluster, identifying critical thinking conceptualization and evaluation as the main weak spots.


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