Vol. 36 (2020): The academic literacy
Educational Experiences

Games based learning: incorporation of sustainable criteria through the circular economy

María Esperanza Calvo Centeno
Universidad Europea de Madrid
María Pilar López Portillo
Universidad Europea de Madrid
María José Peset González
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Eva Ropero Moriones
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Portada TP36
Published May 14, 2020


green economics, experiential learning, education for sustainable development, educational technology, educational research
How to Cite
Calvo Centeno, M. E., López Portillo, M. P., Peset González, M. J., & Ropero Moriones, E. (2020). Games based learning: incorporation of sustainable criteria through the circular economy. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 36, 176–186. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2020.36.14


In the present work an activity applied to the learning of the circular economy through games-based learning is exposed, which has been carried out on the ODS day at Universidad Europea de Madrid. The purpose of this educational experience is based on the need of knowing and internalizing environmentally sustainable economic models for the university community, and especially the students. The activity is based on the circular economy model, a new paradigm of economic management of resources, focused on the reuse of these and on the reduction of waste generation. In order to publicize this economic model, this transversal activity with an innovative teaching and technological methodology has been developed. For this, game-based learning has been applied, as well as an augmented reality program. The activity was carried out through a game in the form of a gymkhana in which the participants faced challenges in the different phases of the circular economy, contextualized in the textile sector. The results obtained show an interesting level of satisfaction of the participants both with the methodology developed and with the content of the activity. Likewise, it is considered that the transferable nature of this initiative to other educational centers can help in promoting in an interactive way the knowledge of the circular economy as a model of sustainability, as well as the sensitization of students to environmental responsibility.


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