Vol. 34 (2019): The long road to coeducation
Educational Experiences

A brief analysis of some normative and technical aspects of the evaluation of teaching performance for the permanence of the Professional Teaching Service

David Castro Porcayo
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Roberto Solís González
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Front cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas, volume 34
Published May 15, 2019


teacher evaluation, professional performance, employment status
How to Cite
Castro Porcayo, D., & Solís González, R. (2019). A brief analysis of some normative and technical aspects of the evaluation of teaching performance for the permanence of the Professional Teaching Service. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 34, 153–168. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2019.34.012


In Mexico, the application of the educational reform promoted by the federal government in 2013 was intended to ensure the professionalization of the teaching practice in terms of labour income, performance, recognition and teacher promotion. Among the different Appraisals that are applied, the appraisal for an extended stay into Professional Teaching Service is considered as having a high impact due to its labor and political implications. The instrument has been called into question, in terms of its validity, because, due to its characteristics, it is assumed that measurement is limited for making high-impact labor decisions about the teacher. Therefore, the present article had the purpose of describing its characteristics and performing an analysis of the consistency that exists between normative and technical documents. It was observed that there is agreement between general laws, between the institutions that have the function of establishing the normative and technical aspects (National Institute for Educational Evaluation), such as the one in charge of the elaboration of instruments, methods, process and application, which it is the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP). However, when comparing the technical documents and regulatory processes, it was found that there is a lack of consistency, in terms of the characteristics and purposes of the performance appraisal, since there are different uses and the instruments are not fully adequate for the types of population and working conditions.


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