Vol. 32 (2018): School grouping
Educational Experiences

A service-learning educational experience in Primary Education: Drop by Drop

Elena Piñana Martín
Colegio Concertado CEU Sanchinarro de Madrid
Front cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas, volume 32
Published July 1, 2018


service-learning, primary education, values education, sustainability
How to Cite
Piñana Martín, E. (2018). A service-learning educational experience in Primary Education: Drop by Drop. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 32, 193–201. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2018.32.014


This experience describes the implementation of an interdisciplinary service-learning project in Primary Education. The main objective was to raise students’ awareness about the importance of valuing water. To achieve real learning we consider it necessary to make them aware of other realities. The Bassari Association decided to collaborate in the project by transferring to our students the difficulties of access to a resource as necessary as water in a village in Senegal (Africa) and they proposed us to mobilize with a crowfunding solidarity campaign to build a well, drop by drop, among all. Students of the school CEU San Pablo Sanchinarro with the collaboration of the entire educational community worked for a week with motivation and enthusiasm to achieve the goal, take water through a well. Finally, it was possible to raise more money than necessary for the construction of the well, allowing the construction of a water tank. However, the greatest achievement of the project was the wau students were involvement and awarded towards other realities.


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