Vol. 32 (2018): School grouping
Monograph: School grouping

Gathering and organization of volunteering in Learning Communities: keys from the perspective of the management team

Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra
Universidad de Sevilla
Margarita Rosa Rodríguez-Gallego
Universidad de Sevilla
Front cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas, volume 32
Published July 1, 2018


learning communities, management team, interactive groups, early childhood education and primary education
How to Cite
Ordóñez-Sierra, R., & Rodríguez-Gallego, M. R. (2018). Gathering and organization of volunteering in Learning Communities: keys from the perspective of the management team. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 32, 65–74. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2018.32.005


This article analyzes the vision of the Management Team (school principal, head teacher and secretary) on the volunteering coordination and organization. The volunteers collaborate in interactive groups, tutorship in libraries and literary and pedagogical gathering in three centers from Andalusia (Spain) constituted in Learning Community (CdA ). These acts are considered as a form of gathering in CdA to improve the teaching-learning process. The methodology has been mixed, on the one hand, quantitative with Likert type questionnaire and, in the other hand, qualitative through an interview. The results highlight that the most successful proceedings are those that have more participation in the interactive groups.


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