Vol. 30 (2017): Teaching styles and learning styles I

Self-regulated learning and learning strategies

Óscar Costa Román
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Óscar García Gaitero
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Published July 4, 2017


self-regulating learning, learning based in projects, learning strategies, neuropsychology, child-centered education
How to Cite
Costa Román, Óscar, & García Gaitero, Óscar. (2017). Self-regulated learning and learning strategies. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 30, 117–130. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.30.007


It’s a undeniable reality that teaching process has changed radically in the last years: in a hand is possible watch how the society claims people capable of work in teams without the supervision of a chief. In other hand is possible check, how all modern pedagogy schools have demonstrated that traditional teaching process obtain worst results in comparison with the methodologies focus in the students. This paper is focused in the self-regulating learning, learning based in projects, learning strategies and their application in a real experience.


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