Vol. 30 (2017): Teaching styles and learning styles I

A journey for the Iberoamerican meetings of education. A history of consolidated interinstitutional scientific production

Eladio Sebastián Heredero
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
José Luis Bizelli
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Mario Martín Bris
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Published July 4, 2017


quality university education, accreditation systems, inter-institutionalization university, internationalization higher education
How to Cite
Heredero, E. S., Bizelli, J. L., & Martín Bris, M. (2017). A journey for the Iberoamerican meetings of education. A history of consolidated interinstitutional scientific production. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 30, 329–338. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.30.018


This work tries to analyze the trajectory of a collaboration project
inter-institutional and international level between the University of Alcalá de España and the Universidade Estadual Paulista de Brasil that, among other actions, was finalized in a scientific event called the Ibero-American Meeting of Education,
that currently goes through the twelfth edition, and that has served to mark
a form of scientific production and research development in the area of
very important education. The implementation of actions from the EIDEs
can be taken as an example of coordinated and joint work, so the
constant and annual maintenance of publications, the management of a magazine
digital system with high qualification, the teaching exchange and the realization of
joint investigations, together with the expansion of members of this
community of work are the materialisations of the efforts.


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