Vol. 22 (2013): Innovative experiences in education II
Monograph Presentation


Published October 23, 2015


Educational Change Project, Initial Teacher Training, Innovation, Methodology, Evaluation.
How to Cite
González Vaquerizo, H., & López Gregoris, R. (2015). INNOVATIONS IN THE METHODOLOGY AND THE EVALUATION OF THE SUBJECT: "TRANSMISSION OF CLASSICAL CULTURE". Tendencias Pedagógicas, 22, 89–110. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2044


This paper describes an Educational Change Project carried out within the branch of the Initial Training Program for Teachers at the Autónoma University of Madrid. The main porpoise of that Project was to introduce some innovations in the methodology and evaluation of the course “The Transmission of Classical Heritage”, part of the “Master's Degree in Education Training for Secondary Teachers”. The paper deals with the training needs of the university teacher in the EHEA (European Higher education Area) and the implementation of innovative teaching methods and principles. It also explains the changes introduced in a course aimed at the training of Secondary teachers and it assesses the results of this experience.


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