Vol. 22 (2013): Innovative experiences in education II
Monograph Presentation


Published October 23, 2015


Educational video, Interactivity, Learning by Design, Social Network, Computersupported collaborative learning.
How to Cite
Claros Gómez, I. D., & Cobos Pérez, R. (2015). FROM EDUCATIONAL VIDEO TO MULTIMEDIA LEARNING OBJECTS INTERACTIVE: A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT BASED ON SOCIAL NETWORKS. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 22, 59–72. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2042


The multimedia resources, in particularly the video media, have been used in several learning experiences, which have shown that they are relevant for supporting educational material in teaching-learning processes. However, traditional methods of creating and editing multimedia content are expensive and complex and they don't allow to be implemented as a generalized practice for teaching. We propose collaborative methods for reusing resources, to allow the composition of Multimedia-interactive Learning Objects supported by an open environment called Social Web Media Learning (SMLearning). This paper describes this environment and presents a summary of some experiences carry out, both with students of graduate and postgraduate courses, in the context of Educational Development Projects at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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