Vol. 21 (2013): Innovative experiences in education I


Published October 23, 2015


Adolescence, identity, EOMEIS-II, estatus identity, theories of Erikson, profession, politics, religion, social relationships and leisure.
How to Cite
Tesouro Cid, M., Palomanes Espadalé, M. L., Bonachera Carreras, F., & Martínez Fernández, L. (2015). STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTITY IN THE ADOLESCENCE. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 21, 211–224. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2034


The aim of this study was to determine how adolescents construct their own identity during this important stage of their lifecycle. We evaluated the identity of a group of 42 adolescents between 11 and 12 years (early adolescence) and between 14 and 15 years (late adolescence), from EOMEIS-II (Extended Version of the Objective Mesure of Ego Identity Estatus created by Adams, Benion and Huh, 1989) which is part of an Ericksonian conceptualization of identity. In the results obtained we can see that students have higher scores on a global level, the most active and mature estatus (identity achieved and moratorium) in the passive and immature estatus (identity foreclosed and diffused). The boys have a higher score than girls in stating the identity moratorium on free time and political identity achieved.


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