Vol. 17 (2011): Learning communities
Educational Experiences


Published October 19, 2015


Task-based approach, bilingual education, foreign language teaching, learning task.
How to Cite
Cantero, V. (2015). THE TEACHING OF SECOND LANGUAGES THROUGH TASKS: A DIDACTIC PROPOSAL FOR 1º OF THAT BILINGUAL. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 17, 133–156. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1964


In this collaboration is offered the reader a realization of the “task-based approach”, understood this as a central element of the work in organizing the activities of the bilingual classroom. As an exemplification of the adventages of this approach presents the reader a didactic unit proposal for the first year of Secondary Education, organized according to the communicative approach and the execution of tasks.


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