Vol. 17 (2011): Learning communities


Published October 19, 2015


Interactive groups, educative inclusion, dialogic learning, school community.
How to Cite
Píriz Collado, R. M. (2015). AN EXPERIENCE OF INTERACTIVE GROUPS IN ONE MIDDLE SCHOOL. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 17, 51–64. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1958


Within the Learning Communities Project, the interactive groups are an enriching way of working in the classroom, which enhances learning and contributes towards improving the quality of education and coexistence at the school. In this article we will speak about the experience in a High School which, although it is not a Learning Community, it works with interactive groups. We will also deal with coordination aspects, the activities, about the proposals made and the qualitative analysis of the people and factors involved in its implementation. Based on dialogic learning, this proposal offers an inclusion approach which allows boys and girls to learn effectively, using all the available resources and enganging all the school community.


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