Vol. 12 (2007): Pedagogical diagnostics and educational guidance

Teacher's assessment of English in Early Childhood Education and First Cycle of Primary Education on the Use of ICT in the Teaching-Learning of this Language

Published October 16, 2015


Results, research, ICT, questionnaires.
How to Cite
Durán Fernández, A., González Puelles, P. M., & de la Herrán Gascón, A. (2015). Teacher’s assessment of English in Early Childhood Education and First Cycle of Primary Education on the Use of ICT in the Teaching-Learning of this Language. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 12, 265–279. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1886


This article intends to offer the results of a research devoted to analyse the use of ICT to teach English in Kindergarten and Primary Education in schools of the Autonomous Region of Madrid. For that purpose, we wrote two questionnaires: one for the school management team and the other for the English teachers at those levels. In such a questionnaires, there are data related to computer resources used, suitability to the pupils’ needs, etc. The questionnaires were written with a format mixing questions containing alternatives of closed answer with open questions.


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