Vol. 11 (2006): Theories, approaches, and policies of education

The evolution of education policy in Spain facing the challenge of immigration

Published October 16, 2015


Educational reforms, migration, civic education.
How to Cite
Gavari Starkie, E. (2015). The evolution of education policy in Spain facing the challenge of immigration. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 11, 223–232. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1874


This article focuses on the legislative measures adopted in the Spanish education system to educate migrants. In first place an overview of the evolution of the European framework is offered. After this briefintroduction, this article analyses thoroughly the evolution of the three present guiding principles of the Spanish education system: equal opportunities; lifelong education and training; and diversity. It also provides with sorne particular difficulties of migrants to integrate into the school system. The study reveals a clear evolution ofthe legislation for the inclusion ofthe migrants in the education system in parallel to the massive arrival ofthem


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