Vol. 11 (2006): Theories, approaches, and policies of education

A pedagogical model for self-transformation comprehensive university student

Published October 16, 2015


Integral formation, significance, formative process, pedagogical models.
How to Cite
Torres Bugdud, A., Fernández Fernández, I., & Álvarez Aguilar, N. (2015). A pedagogical model for self-transformation comprehensive university student. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 11, 155–168. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1870


The present article tries to contribute a possible vision ofthe formative problem in the universities and from there, propose sorne guidelines that permit a vision and a new way ofshow the formative process with a greater axiologicalsignificance. Is a griefthat in the call "was of knowledge" little it be known about how can we be better, but by means ofwhat can be contributed the humanity, not according to what achieve for itself. Sorne results diagnostic are shown that show sorne ofthe limitations that they are declared in the university educational activity and a conception is argued that it considers the self-formation as a quality that emerges like synthesis ofthe authenticity and the significance.


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