Vol. 11 (2006): Theories, approaches, and policies of education

Knowledge of education as a framework of interpretation of the Theory of Education as a discipline

Published October 16, 2015


Knowledge Education, Theory ofEducation, General Pedagogy, Philosophies ofEducation, Interpretative Theory, Practical Theories, Education Knowledge Growing Paradigm, Science of Education, Sciences of Education.
How to Cite
Rodríguez Martínez, A. (2015). Knowledge of education as a framework of interpretation of the Theory of Education as a discipline. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 11, 31–54. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1866


This work tries to establish the limits ofTheory ofEducation within the framework of Knowledge Education, as well as considering that Theory of Education is part of that knowledge. In this sense, depending on the way we consider or understand such Knowledge, we can put together Theory ofEducation in one way or another. With this purpose, in this work we analyse the evolution ofKnowledge Education from an interpretative scheme based on the "Knowledge Growing Paradigm", out ofwhich we deduce three ways to understand Education, what willlogically result in three different approaches. Thus, we should bear in mind that, from each one of these, Theory of Education is interpreted differently: as Philosophies of Education, as Interpretative Theories, or as an Academically Substantive Subject of Pedagogy, being the latter an Autonomous Scientific Subject. This work concludes by stating that, since the three of them are Knowledge Education, they can make us to understand Theory ofEducation in three diverse ways, but, actually, it should only be understood as Theory of Education the one that is constructed from the Education Scientific Autonomous Subject, i.e. from Pedagogy as Science. Moreover, Theory of Education should focus in General Pedagogy Intervention and in the intervention's general dimensions.duce three ways to understand Education, what willlogically result in three different approaches. Thus, we should bear in mind that, from each one of these, Theory of Education is interpreted differently: as Philosophies of Education, as Interpretative Theories, or as an Academically Substantive Subject of Pedagogy, being the latter an Autonomous Scientific Subject. This work concludes by stating that, since the three of them are Knowledge Education, they can make us to understand Theory ofEducation in three diverse ways, but, actually, it should only be understood as Theory of Education the one that is constructed from the Education Scientific Autonomous Subject, i.e. from Pedagogy as Science. Moreover, Theory of Education should focus in General Pedagogy Intervention and in the intervention's general dimensions.


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