Vol. 9 (2004): Fundamental and applied aspects of school organization

School school organization: development maturity prevention plan children's education

Published October 15, 2015


Evolution, childhood, test, prevention, development, capacities.
How to Cite
Arroyo Díaz, J. A. (2015). School school organization: development maturity prevention plan children’s education. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 9, 277–299. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1850


This article starts evaluating mental health during the first six years of life. It explains the most important moments of the psychological evolution in the first three stages of childhood, from birth to the rational stage. It considers the different evolutive phases: the maternal link, the social development and the idealization of wishes. It presents the five human capacities of psycological development: cognitive, psychomotive, afective, communicative and social. It presents a proof-model, and explains its value according to the evaluation of the capacities already mentioned.

One of them, the cornmunivative one, due to its importance, is subdivided into two complementary variables: the " oral-expresive" and the 1/ graphic-chromatic". FinaUy, it shows graphicaUy and anonymously the standard results of the test used recently in four schools of the Comunidad de Madrid. The students were in the last year of Primary SchooL


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