Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Education for Environmental Justice: Working from the Classrooms the Formation of an Active Citizenship
Special Issue

Green, Yellow and Red Lights when Innovating Science Teaching

Melina Furman
Mariana Luzuriaga
Published June 10, 2024


Natural science , Professional development, Reflective teaching, Innovation, Participation
How to Cite
Furman, M., & Luzuriaga, M. (2024). Green, Yellow and Red Lights when Innovating Science Teaching. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 13(1), 31–50. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2022.13.1.002


Strengthening scientific education is crucial for shaping competent citizens committed to sustainable development. This involves promoting innovative teaching practices that foster the development of scientific competencies and active student engagement. However, their enactment can be challenging. We conducted a thematic content analysis of the written reflections that 49 science teachers who participate in a graduate Diploma in Education shared after conducting an innovative micro-class (i.e. including inquiry, problem-solving, metacognitive activities, or ICTs). We characterized the aspects they identified as strengths, aspects that demand further analysis and opportunities for improvement in their teaching practices, following the “Green, yellow and red Lights” visible thinking routine. As “green lights”, teachers highlighted the positive effects that their new practices had on student participation and learning. As “yellow lights”, they identified their difficulties to accurately estimate the time participatory activities require, and a tension between adhering to their plans and maintaining authentic dialogues with students. As “red lights”, they pointed out the lack of foresight regarding necessary resources and appropriate work dynamics. Our results highlight the necessity for practicing teachers to implement innovations and reflect on their effects and challenges as a key element for their professional development


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